My final poster is to create awareness about animal abuse. Abuse can be as common as neglecting a pet with food and water or going far deeper to violent abuse and even death. Animal abuse goes way beyond household pets, but I used the cat and dog images to hit home with more people.
I wanted to make a bold and simple statement to stop animal abuse. The sad looking animals will draw in the audience and be easily relatable for most people. A straight forward call to action instructs viewers to contact their local ASPCA, which will also put them in contact with any nearby shelters, give tips on how to report abuse and warning signs to look for.
Images used in this poster can be found at:
I like it a lot. It might be better if you took out some of the space between the lines. Like 24 pt on 22 pt leading. Its closer together and more dynamic.
The images were a little cliche for me but I guess with seeing so many of these before it's to be expected. You could have maybe used different animals, as most posters always target them.